
Mr. Tree

What’s drama means?

The word theatre comes from the ancient Greek, which means a place to watch play. Theatre is used to describe the building structure and the performance space.

A drama is a type of literature that is written for the purpose of being performed in front of an audience.


The activities in the theatre are the most important! Drama also refers to the play that we perform. Oh, we as an artists have to keep enthusiastic every day, trying to reveal the repertory to show our ideas and visions. Very busy!


Yes, Yes! Men and women around the world are passionate about pursuing a professional theatre career, and dedicate their lives to it. For example, I am the screenwriter of Happy Stream Theatre, responsible for the writing of the play.


I am the best actress and director of Happy Stream Theatre! I need to unified coherent concepts, coordinate various parts, rehearse a play.


I am the manager in the Happy Stream Theatre, responsible for guiding the audience to seat, taking care of the props, and costumes distribution.


I am the designer of the studio! I plan the audiovisual elements of the set, including scenery, props, costumes, wig, make-up, lighting, sound effects, advertising, atmosphere of the show.

Mr. Tree:

I am the producer of Happy Stream Theatre, supervising the performance and publicity, looking for investors, and ultimately ensure the performance goes well.